Title - Heading 1

Subtitle - Heading 2

Sub-Heading - Heading 3

Sub-Heading  - Heading 4

Sub-Heading - Heading 5
Sub-Heading - Heading 6

Heading Tags

All the Heading Tags will be set up with one font and usually black
Example: a serif type font such as Times New Roman was used in the Heading Tags above


Default text for body of the page - will be set up with one font and usually black 
Example: a san serif type font such as Arial is used here


Hyperlinks will be defaulted with the same font that was set up as default text in the body section and will be underlined in black.
Example: Menu

Button Styling Link

Option to give the Hyperlink a button look, the button will use the colors that are set up with the Themes. 
Example: More info